Originally Posted By: blue_jay
McSame is up to 60% now(wow)? Are they trying to make Barry the underdog at the last moment so people will feel sorry for Uh-bama? - The come back kid, I can hear NBC billing it now "The greatest general election comeback ever." lol.

As for Gibson's sorry ass making up "bush doct." crap and springing it on Palin, that's sad. It's no wonder Palin looked at him like wtf.

I think it's funny when the dems want detailed answers on how someone will handle foreign affairs.

Meanwhile the entire press corps scowers Alaska looking for any dirt. I hope they get some good fishing time in. It seems like they are wasting their time otherwise.

Read Krauthammer's piece in todays Boregonian, one of leftiest rags in the country. There is no one Bush Doctrine but as many as 7 according to Wikipedia. Even the "expert" liberal analysts can't agree on how many parts there are. So her answer of "In what respect Charlie" was right on. Like I said before Charlie is and idiot and now it shows.

So tell me all you Bush hating experts, what is the real single Bush Doctirne? And you will get 0 points for MSU.

Otherwise I'm retired!