Originally Posted By: Mikespike
Originally Posted By: Salmonella
There, fixed it fer ya....


My favorite gems in this one:

"(Native Hawaiians are native Americans, but they're never called "Native Americans".)"

Hmm, Hawaii is connected by land to the americas, thereby making Hawiians native americans......

"discrimination against whites"

So that's why you never see white people picking lettuce.....

"foreign-born" population"

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Governor of California

"religious objections to homosexuality,
religious objections to abortion"

Separation of church and state, guaranteed by our beloved constitution.

WWJH? Who Would Jesus Hate? I'm just asking....

You work the California/Seattle connection to perfection.
(Hotbeds of liberalism)
No doubt had something to do with being put forth as "PP Rookie Of The Year".

