I was not impressed by the debate. But then, I'm not impressed by the candidates either, so that's a wash. I'll be voting for Obama for the same reason I figured I would nearly a year ago. I'm voting against the Republican National Committee.

On a tangent, philosophically I understand the conservatives who are concerned that liberals in general and Obama in particular, lean toward socialism. However, that philosophy evaporates for me what with Bushco having grown the federal government by about 40% in 8 years, and with the largest corporate welfare in the history of the nation under the watch of the neo-conservative administration. It's beginning to make socialism look more attractive to me. I mean the socialist European countries have a higher standard of living, longer vacations, and in Italy and France they eat the best food, drink the best wine every day, and have sex every night. Now what's so bad about this socialism stuff? Other than they don't have salmon and steelhead fishing?
