Originally Posted By: Slab Happy
Hasn't this thread taken an ugly twist. And not just on one side.
I found Kevin's original comment racist, for sure......I likewise found the "pack attack" less than effective....a point that I think Oregonian was trying to make.

Consider if the group response had simply been something along the line of "Racist comments are not acceptable here." Is there anyone who thinks that wouldn't have been just as effective? By definition (see above) racism and group intolerance is both bigotry.

On the reality check side of the coin lies this question....Do you think that this election will be influenced by racism? I think definitely it will.

My 2

I see absolutely no reason he should not have been attacked for such blatantly racist remarks. Not a "pack attack" in my mind, simply a gut level response from those who were offended.

I have no issue with anyone not liking Barrack. I highly doubt he will be as great a president as many hope for. But to make pejorative racial remarks and then to openly hoping for his assassination says way more about the person who makes such stupid remarks than it does about those who are offended by them. A huge and openly hostile response was, IMHO the only proper response.

Will race play a part in this election? Certainly. Many blacks will vote for Obama simply based on race and many ignorant whites will do the opposite.
Both are wrong. But to openly hope for the assassination of a U.S. president is un-American and proof of a very small, very limited and fully closed mind.
No huevos no pollo.