A couple of more thoughts ...

First off, 90% of the "fly-fishing" here now is basically bobber and jig fishing, so call it flyfishing if you want, but in my book, it ain't.

In Alaska, I backbounce silvers on bugrods with an ounce of lead and a glob of eggs ... I don't call it "fly-fishing" though. Simply more fun to have direct drive to fish that routinely rip off 50+ yards of line and then change direction and do it again.

Might as well do it with the kind of rod it was meant to be done on and have fun with it smile

Corey and I just got back from a drive and were talking about the dead 30 ...

She said she could cheat on me and I'd say "That's Okay Honey" but I'd divorce her if she had killed that fish.

I said "Yep", because at least on the first one you had good reason smile
Seen ... on a drive to Stam's house:

"You CANNOT fix stupid!"