You know it hits home when someone jumps out of their chair to fight back. I may not be liked by some here, and that's just fine. Iv'e always called it like I see it and will never change. I'd love to post all of the emails from people who totally support my stance on these issues. Many of you would be surprized. It's easy to hide behind a moniker and holy perception of what you want people to think you are. I hide nothing and take heat for some issues. Bring on the crap and i'll call it out. Too many double standards on the www. Bunch of Sunday christians. Something like.... do as I say not as I do.

I'm no saint, been busted for keeping too many fish, gutting hens, failing to wear a seatbelt, and M.I.P. Smoked dope , drank beer, whiskey, and even played wingman with a fat chick once. Does this make me a bad person? maybe so, but ive helped more people and have a larger network of great friends than all the ladies Wilt Chamberlin layed.
I'd help anyone with anything and give the shirt off my back in any situation. Those who have spent any time around me know this. Those that badmounth me have never met me.
If I was truley worried about making myself out to be this saint of human, I surely not post anything on any website that shows otherwise.
Call it like you see it or you are lying to yourself.
Proud member of the CCA
Kevin Lund