You know there are times I can't stand it.................Just to start I joined in 67 spent 12 months in country extended for 6 more that that time to dodge the draft was normal. College, get your girl friend preg & get married with kids, number of legal ways. If single, oh boy options dropped fast. From 69 on anyone who volunteered for that mess had to be just crazy. It was a meat eater of people on both sides. To say now that someone who ducked that mess is a coward is to not have been in combat in Nam. I packed my best friend out on my back while he bled out and bluntly put after a short time you don't fight for the country you fight for your buddies and screw god and country sh--. It has been said that combat is long periods of utter boredom with periods of extreme terror which is true.
There are things that were and are worth dying for............that god damn mess was not one of them! I had a commanding officer who was West Point and he made understand the military with this simple statement. "The sole purpose of the US military is to kill, maim, and destroy in defense of and in the name of the people of the United States."
Think about it before you call anyone a coward and if you haven't been in combat you don't know what the hell your talking about.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in