i was getting ready for work...worked at fedex still at the time...called my sister when they were showing the footage of the first plane hitting the tower...watched the second hit live...couldnt belive what i was seeing...i still get chills..and to this day the flag has put on a whole new meaning to me...

it was difficult to head to work...we ship almost 95 percent of our freight on planes...that day we had already got our freight, but we were grounded for several days...we didnt know what our jobs were going to turn into...it was so erie to not see planes in the air...i belive we fly around 586 planes a day to get freight everywhere....

we all stood (250 of us that day) in a huge circle and gave a very long moment of silence...it is the only time i have ever heard a "prayer" in the workplace....i have a hard time to this day talking about it...there were some people at my work that were directly effected by death of family members...it was really hard on them not knowing if they were alive or in some cases not....

hope something like that never happens again.....words cant decribe it for me....c
see ya on the river smile