Originally Posted By: parker
Hey Bill - got a pile of cash after selling my drift boat.

Any news on that HK yet?

Oh yeah, and did you see where the CMMG Bargain Basement is back again???!!!!???

M4's for $599.........

Never thought I'd see them offer these M4's again - at those prices!!!


HK says late 2009 for release which realistically translates into mid 2010 if lucky. LWRC and Sig among others are producing the same product (gas piston driven AR).

The bottom fell out of "black rifles" so I'm not surprised about the deals from CMMG. Speculation and fear drove that market crazy for a few months but when the weekend warriors couldn't afford to shoot their stock $1500 Olympic Arms .223 they decided to sell....and at a considerable loss. Ammo is still over-inflated and spotty but that too will smooth out soon.
"...the pool hall I loved as a kid is now a 7-11..."

If you don't like our prices bring your wife down and we'll dicker.