I try to keep the stress level in my life to a minimum. Which means that I try to do what I say I'm going to do. If I tell you I'll be somewhere at such and such a time/day/whatever, I put effort into living up to my word.....why?....because you likely are depending on my word meaning something. Hawaiian time/Indian time is(are) just fine if all involved are on the same page, IMO. But if you tell me that you will be waiting at the dock at 4:30 and don't get there until 5, you'll get away with it only once....after that you'll be looking at my wake from the dock and unless you come up with a really good story, you won't be invited back.

Character is what one does when no one is around and there is nothing to be gained but personal satisfaction of doing what's right without a scorecard.....at least to me it is. All my real friends display this same characteristic....(most of the time, anyway) smile

I have no doubt that if I chose to work with/for this Chief, I'd know that we are equal partners in whatever was undertaken. And I'd also bet there wouldn't be any shifty eyes and limp wristed handshakes.

My kind of stuff.
Agendas kill truth.
If it's a crop, plant it.