All those fish are of hatchery origin and are put there by the tribes for the tribes. Fish that make it past the nets offer great flossing opportunities for the sport fisherman that congregate near the mouth. In recent years the recreational harvest has been in the low thousands leaving the tribes dumfounded at the number of chinook they are missing out in the bay.

Meanwhile the Samish hatchery has been so overwhelmed with the amount of fish returning upriver that they have been passing them upstream of the rack to spawn at the landowners discretion. These non-native fish are competing with cutthroat, rainbow, steelhead, pink, sockeye, chum, and silver salmon, all of which are native to the samish river.

I don't know exactly how many kings are actually naturalizing in the samish but if you would prefer out of basin kings to wild fish than flame away. Otherwise quit bitching about access to a floss fishery and let the tribes feel the pain!