Well done guys! Good to hear of some success!!!

I was into Elk about half of the days out but could never pull the trigger. My best oppertunity came as I was still hunting down an old skidder trail. Spotted the herd about 120 yards away and had plenty of time to set up behind an old log and get comfortable and watch. It took them about a half hour to feed their way to within about 50 yards. 9 cows off to my right which had about a 30 yard shooting lane. Two bulls off to my left (one being a non legal spike) at about 40 yards and a 20 yard shooting lane. I was watching a bull, a 5X5 that looked an awful lot like Firedog's, as he raked at a bush and suddenly lifted his head and began walking right towards my shooting lane. As he got closer much to my dismay the lead cow turns the herd and I see them take off behind the bull who soon followed frown

The next day my buddy hunting the same area and herd had a golden oppertunity but they spooked when he drew his bow. Said that in his mind it was a slam dunk and he was actualy working out the logistics-oops!

Must say I'm hooked on this archery thing. Nice to be able to watch/hunt elk being elk! Is the late season here yet? Got another week plus T-Day off smile
"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." Ronald Reagan

"The trouble with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Adolf Hitler