That is exactly the problem..."the enemy of my enemy is my friend" works great for a while, until they actually become your friends...and now the Tea Baggers aren't only the GOP's friends, but they're living in their spare bedroom, eating their dinners, and sleeping with their daughters...won't be easy to get rid of at this point.

How they didn't see this coming is beyond me...hell, six months ago I was cheering for the ignorance of the Tea Baggers to bite the GOP in the ass...looks like I'm getting my wish.

If you're one of those who think the Tea Party being embraced by the GOP is a good idea...well, you've made your bed, now you get to lie in it...if you're one of the GOP'r's who thought it was retarded all along, good luck on getting your party back.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle