Hey Zen, thinking about those powerhouses on a fly makes my mouth water. laugh That would kickass. Just green yarn? Gotta be something different than yarn. This thread originally started out as chum but has kinda turned toward steelhead since people have asked how the Green has been for chromies. Or i'm really just a lone poster on a thread that was dead 2 months ago. SO Zen, if you throw the long rod as steelhead, what choice of fly would you pick? Riverwise, i feel naked without a muddler, but i have never hooked a chromie on the fly. And catching them on eggs and jigs isn't much of a challenge anymore. Can ya help? I tied up a few purple/purpleblack flies on 6 and 4 hooks, but have yet to use them. Any suggestions on color and size would be great. Also, would you suggest putting eyes on my flies like for Salmon? Any help would be great.

Occupation: I pet the fish.