Nice to see Stanfords hand them their butt, not that there was much doubt it would happen. Only the ESPN crowd thought any different.....and bait dunker.......must be from the east coast.

Luck can play. Just to bad he wont be back.......and worse than that, he wont last to give the hawks a chance at him in the draft.

There are a few teams that are always overrated. Ok, Fl, LSU, Miami, VT, Ohio st and a few others. The Pac 10 gets no respect because the analysts are mostly from the east and south east. Good to see the BCS still refuses to let anyone play them.

Put Boise against Utah. Good way to hide how good they really are just like last year. Boise/TCU. Save those big confs the embarrassment. Let Ok play Conn.......cant have them loose another bowl, need to find someone outside the top 25 and maybe, just maybe they can win one. Poor little VT was thrown to the dogs......or trees. I mean someone had to play them and VT is better to go down than one of the favorites. Put arguably your best team against TCU to show how good you all did that work out. You can bet if Stanford was not in the top five they would have been watching the BCS games from home.

We need a playoff. Then we can see how good the east and south east really is and who is overhyped.
Never leave a few fish for a lot of fish just might not find a lot of fish-----Theo