This [Bleeeeep!] sucks.nothing is sacred any more.A week ago somebody stole my lawn mower and chainsaw out of my shed in my fenced in backyard.Had to have happened durring the middle of the day when wife me and the dogs were gone.

The problem lies in two rentals that have turned into meth houses.I call the bpd and they come buy but do nothing.I tell ya I am sick of it.One of these tweaks has three children 12-4 and 6 months,sad.

I was up fishing some beaver ponds in the woods behind cady lake when a big brown van tried to come down the rough road to the side of the pond I was on and chickened out and parked on the main road.A bunch of people pile out of this van and three guys head on down the road talking about jacking me for my cigerrates if I have any.I am with my wife and two dogs.I went to the car got my gun and gave it to the wife and told her to stay by the lake unless i call for her.I took the meaner of the two dogs with me and went up into the woods on the otherside of the road and hid.The three boys passed me and tried to sneak up on my wife when I came out and said hello in a very authorative manner from behind.These little tweaks jumped straight up into the air.I am a 35 year old 200 lb home builder who mostly frames any more so I think it was a quick decision not to screw with me and the dogs.I gave them each a couple of cigerattes and start b.s with them.I mention that some punk just stole my lawn mower and one of the guys starts to brag about stealing some guys lawn mower and chainsaw "oh but it wasn't yours though" he says.I get home that afternoon and later on in the evenning I am out in the front yard when a big brown van pulls up and the guy from out in the woods pulls hops out without the three punks with him.I stared in shock and went and checked and my chainsaw is gone also!

Its hard not to come home and take the law into my own hands.I have made a visit to both houses and let them know it was me who is calling the cops and will continue to do so every chance I get.The guy that was a part of stealing my equipment I went over introduced my self shook his hand,crushed it,kneed him in the nuts,grabbed him buy the neck,put him down flat and told him why.He started to cry. mad mad

Thanks for letting me vent.Two months ago none of this was going on.Nice nieghborhood.Now I stew on this [Bleeeeep!] all day at work. smile