The Zen speaks only truth, as he is one who has evolved with wisdom.

I and most other ardent flyfishermen DID evolve to primarily C&R flyfishing after
using other methods. But we oldies had the luxury of having well stocked lakes,
uncorrupted by illegally stocked spiney rays,millfoil,and unpressured by too many
fishermen with which to evolve.Those were the days my friend.

Today it is different. There are only limited rich lakes capable of producing quality
fishing. Most of them are mismanaged in order to provide catch and kill 8" trout for
the majority of casual anglers to drag out with powerbait and a $5 spinning rod stiff as a broomstick.
I feel we don't have the luxury of mismanaging these lakes by overplanting and overharvesting
(take for example Blue and Park with 200,000 and 150,000 fish planted yearly) before the
resource is degraded and ruined permanently. Add to this our reluctance to regulate disruptive
and distructive jet sledding and water skiing as well as pollution from shorline development
and you will start to understand why those of us who love the SPORT of fishing have some
serious problems with how fast you baiters are evolving to a method(s) of fishing which
will preserve fishing for the future.
Ban Powerbait and get off your asses and learn to C&R flyfish or barbless lure fish.
Be more vocal with our F&G about wanting more than an 8' trout to eat. They think they
are doing the right thing untill you tell them differently.
Trout fishing should be about protecting and preserving the lake and the fish #1, about SPORT #2, and about taking and eating fish #3 if at all.

Poachers and illegal fishermen are stealing from you and should be treated just the same as you
would treat someone who has entered your garage to steal your tools for example.
Spend the time and effort to either chase them off or get their liscense plate and file a citizens
arrest if F&G fails to act.
It's yours to protect and preserve.....or to loose! There is no in between.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!