Originally Posted By: Todd
50% don't pay income taxes because they don't make schit for income...and as a percentage of their income, they pay far more taxes than most since most of their money goes directly to buying things, not savings, not stocks, not real estate.

Typical right wing hogwash..."to be fair, we really need to tax those low- and middle-income people more!".

Fish on...


There's some typical left wing hogwash in there too.

Big difference between what Buffett is proposing and what comes out of Obama and the Dems mouths: Buffet's pool of rich people is much smaller than Obama and Co's pool. Obama wants to go as low as $200k to $250k income. Buffet is targeting a much smaller percentage of the population and actually I don't have a big issue with that. However, if there isn't a much more serious effort to cut and control spending even squeezing Buffet's buddies for more dough ain't gonna make much of a difference.