I find it curious that all elected officials take some sort of oath, similar to "Support and defend the Constitution and Laws". Nowhere in there do they take an oath to "ensure my re-election and the election of my party".

Their job is to govern. That often includes compromise. On both sides. The majority should not force its views, just because it can no should the minority prevent action just because it can.

For a long time CA had that 2/3 majority rule to pass a budget and a minority could simply say no till the cows came home. Which they did. CA never got a budget done by the Constututionally mandated time. How about the do an Initiative? If the budget is not passed by the due date, the whole Legislature is charged with non-compliance. The penalty for conviction? Loss of the ability to hold elected office anywhere in CA for 10 years on the first offense and for life on the second.