Originally Posted By: Todd
My degree says "Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology

Huh. Since you love politics and got a law-talkin-type degree, I had you pegged for a poly sci major! laugh

Marine Biology? Isn't that the "degree" that all hot high school chicks say they want to become after they visit the dolphins at SeaWorld? wink

So, how many hot chicks were in the program??? laugh

Not that it matters, but my piece of paper does say Bachelor of Science of Fishery Sciences, UW. I did the fish thing. I studied fish, I played with fish, I smelled like fish....and there were no hot chicks or dophins! laugh

I would not call either of us "scientists". wink Fun thread through.

PS. I'm still booting those damn Canadians off of the OP rivers!!!

Tule King Paker