Hi Kid,
I fish for just about everything that swims.
The 3 inch curlytail grub has been my go to bait for about 25 years now.Big Panfish like the Perch and Crappie will hit it as well as the Largemouth and the Smallmouth.We get good numbers of Walleyes and big Rainbows and Browns as well.If you are targeting Salmon and Steelhead you may want to go bigger, say to a five inch.
That Dare Devil spoon that you like has been around for as long as I can reamember,its a good bait that has caught a lot of fish.
Pick up a few bags of curlytails and some 1/16th and 1/8th oz jigheads and hit the Yakama for Smallmouth.Chartruce has been a good color.
N.A.F.C.Life member

Good luck and be safe