Originally posted by assalyanizim:
Ignore the shallow inteligence of the last two replies. The thing you want to do is learn the birds and proper scouting, and put in lots of time, butI under stand where your coming from, and that's a plase to start I'm assuming. you can contact the Aberdeen offices of wdfw, and they will send you maps of the public places on the west side. know just start watching the birds. hunting seson is over you can learn a lot about behavior and what their whanting to make them content.

but if you would like Email me I'm going to do some scouting up your way real soon for some new spots for next year, and your more than welcome to jion me and my Friends.

I would think that you both where adults. act like it!!!!

This young man needed direction not ignorance! use some manners.
as adults that should care about the sport,
arent we suppose to pass on the heritage and knowlege to the next generation. not discurage and destoy it....................
GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! slap


It's discouraging to say to the kid that he should go out and do some scouting??? I am not seeing your logic here. That advice is the single best thing a hunter can learn as it is one of the keys to determining how successful a hunter will ever be.

Driftboater's advice was right on the money. If you want to be a hunter, you have to get out and do the work. His presentation of that advice was humorous as well as being insightful and honest.....Is that wrong?? Excuse me if I'm completely off base, but I think humor is also a big part of being a hunter.

"If fishing is like religion, then flyfishing is high church." -Tom Brokaw