In addition to REDINGTON, I want to thank Bob/Parker/Canyonman/Kev for that voodoo that they do so well every year. Also a huge thank you to my teamates Dogfish and Dee for helping me kill the SRC skunk on my 5th SRC thumbs And thanks Seastrike for the use of your battleship in your absence thumbs

I took some pic.'s to share..........the pre-funk at the house was a great time as usual, (thanks for handling all of that Scott thumbs), but this oldtimer headed for the pillow when these poker faces came out

Bright and early Friday morning, Parker greets the SRC'ers launching with spud projectiles. and Carl shines a bright light in everone's face so they can't walk their boat up into the Dimmel (that was good Carl ;))

Standard Snoopy Gear

If any of you ever get the chance to ride in the SRC with Dogfish the multi-tasker extrordinaire, DO IT!!! He packs an arsenal, if you look close there are at least 5 WMD's in this pic......and when he says "DUCK", don't ask why, JUST DO IT grin

I have to hand it to Team T-Bird.....they had one super soaker on board, and they douched everybody to the nines. Rumor has it TRBO took enemy fire without his rainjacket on, and even Team Tyee Charters a.k.a. Switzerland, a neutral party to the war effort, got douched.......

Douching clip

Lastly, the Liar's Club at Jalisco's, where Kev performed the Master of Cermonies duty well....and thank you mreyns buying the drinks thumbs

Good clean 'merican fun was had by all!
Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours......Gordon Lightfoot

Damn Stam!
Remember, Ask yourself "What would Stam do?" smile