Here's a prediction that you can book...average take home pay will drop by about 8 to 15 percent in Michigan now.

You may fool yourself into thinking that with that savings the "job creators" will create more jobs. They will...for travel brokers and yacht manufacturers. They won't create any more in their factories, that's for damn sure.

I don't really like the idea that folks have to pay into the Union in some jobs, in some states, to be honest with you...but this is a 100% fact: in the states where they do, they make more money.


Pretending that this is good for anyone other than upper management and ownership is either some excellent denial, or just lying.

As with most right wing propaganda, there's a handful of liars, and a mountain of chumps. If you're posting here, you're probably one of the chumps.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle