Thanks KORE...First, if I remember right, comm. fishermen only get pennies per pound for chums and most of those pennies are for the eggs. If that's true then maybe Wa., Or., and B.C. chums would actually be worth more when caught in their home streams than in Ak.. Second, NO NETS.....only devices that allow release of unharmed, non-targeted species (especailly steelhead). Third, there are already all kinds of arguments about how many fish should be harvested.....if anything, I believe what I proposed would help reduce those arguments, and make it easier for the fisheries departments to decide on allowable harvests from individual streams. .......Of course what I propose would be just one piece of the puzzle, but at least you would get the fish that were born in your streams. If you would like to read the article that I read about this, go to

[This message has been edited by AkBill (edited 03-14-99).]