Okay since this new guy named 'balls' is giving rh a run for his money in the race for the village cap. And these guys are the biggest attention whores on this site, I had an idea: Why not have a fishing competition between these two?

So, from this point on, each of you has 10 days, that is 2 weekends, just in case one of you has a job which I don't think either of you do, to catch some fish and take some pics for this thread.

You have to post your catches here, its gotta be something worth looking at. A char might qualify if it isn't 12" long. The natives need to be touching water to jive with Sparky's Law just in case you pull it off. A native steelhead has an adipose fin and a square tail; you can Google that or check out Washingtonlakes for expert analysis.

***Pics must show a fish in the picture with a middle finger extended somewhere to prove it was meant for this competition and not taken at a different time***

If you can't figure out how to post pics somebody might help you.

We will all judge the winner. Any foul play funny business will result in instant loser status (with regard to this event) and the other person wins by default.

In summary, you have both been involuntarily entered in the fishing event of your lives now get off the couch, out of the trailer, buy some bait, and start huckin' it into a body of water. Time prove you good for something besides punching keys.

Good luck 'balls' and rh, let the games begin.

***And don't forget that middle finger in the pic. That is the f'you to all of us doubters/haters proving your good for something fishing related***

***Seat belts must be worn while being driven to fishing locations by your gf, or mother, or sister, or gf/sister et cetera***

***All rules are subject to change in order to protect the virtuousness of this blessed event***

Edited by Jason Beezy (01/24/13 04:35 PM)
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.