Originally Posted By: Dogfish
How about enforcing all of the existing firearms related laws already on the books before you decide to craft some other fukked up stupid law that will solve nothing, save nobody, and do nothing more than possibly make a criminal out of law abiding citizens with the stroke of a pen.

Felons attempt to get guns through legitimate means at a gunshop, and are declined when the NCIC check is done. Prosecutions for this violation of FEDERAL LAW are minimal, if non-existant. They say it would be too costly to go after every violation.

So, rather than going after a felon committing another felony, so he can likely go commit another felony, you would rather try and control law abiding citizens.

People like you are what is wrong with this country. Always trying to control somebody else who is obeying the laws while ignoring the real problems caused by real criminals.

Go step in front of a bus.

+1,000,000 Couldnt have said it any better myself.
Lets go make more "stupid ass gun laws" even though we dont enforce the ones we already have. Only a politician or someone equally as retarded actually thinks that making more gun laws will somehow work. Also, lets make these laws so they affect only the legal/legitamate 97% of gun owners who are NOT the real problem...
Criminals dont care about laws, thats why there criminals... They will get there guns in any means possible whether on the street or stealing them. Chicago's Mayors answer to there gun violence issue is to "ban handguns" like thats going to make a gangbanger or criminal magically all of a sudden turn them in...

There answer is to mess with the law abiding citizens cause clearly where the real "problem". ANY new law is only going to affect us.
Lets do another AWB even though the first one didnt work and more people are killed with bare hands than "Assault Rifles", AKA: Semi auto rifles.
Lets limit magazines to 10 so if a shootout/massacre occurs the "victims" have an extra 2 seconds to live. However, lets make it so if you get attacked by multiple people, you may run out of bullets forcing you to reload. 2 seconds spent reloading in a gun fight is an eternity and can make the difference between living and dieing.
Typical libtardism. Lets make more laws even though the ones we already have are not enforced. Boy those criminals are going to listen now that theres a limit of 10 rounds per magazine or a AWB/Handgun ban. They are already breaking the law by carrying, felon with a gun, stolen gun, etc. However, maybe if we ban this gun or limit the number of rounds they can carry, maybe all of a sudden they will follow the law and comply. JFC, really?!?
