I recently sent some smoked fish to my Airman stepson and purchased a guaranteed delivery date, long story short they missed him and delivered it to his last known address. Luckily his last room mate put it into the freezer and only through my biatching and complaining went and picked it up and delivered it to him a month later.( He was set to leave the country a day after that delivery date for a month)

If it were not for his ex room mates action to freeze the package (it was marked perishable and to keep it frozen) that fish would have gone bad. UPS did not live up to the contract nor did they want to rectify the situation until I contacted them and their agent out here and told them I would contact the local media.
I have not received a refund!


Edited by Somethingsmellsf (10/02/13 10:47 AM)
NRA Life member

The idea of a middle class life is slowly drifting away as each and every day we realize that our nation is becoming more of a corporatacracy.

I think name-calling is the right way to handle this one/Dan S

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