Well, it's gonna be fun...as all true Seahawks fans, I hate theBroncos. That being said, Peyton Manning is one of ny favorites, always has been.

Peyton's game is outsmarting defenses, finding a hole and sending a receiver right into it. He throws to a lot of wide open receivers because he is really good at finding those holes.

Our defense does not look to outsmart the other team...we don't play their game. We defend them straight up and make them beat us to get open...and so far no team has been able to do that to us.

Peyton does not throw a pretty ball, he never really has been that guy...but he doesn't have to if he is throwing at guys who are wide open.

If we play our game well then the Broncos will be in trouble...there's not much to "outsmart"...you don't outsmart blanket coverage on all your receivers...and unlike Kaepernick Peyton won't pull it down and burn us for fifty yards if we are too busy covering receivers to keep an eye on him.

I would sure like to see our O line protect Wilson better, but the Broncos front seven isn't anywhere near as good as the Niners.

Here's about all the "smack talk" that's required: no matter who won the NFC was going to tee off on the Broncos in two weeks...the Niners are much better than the Broncos at matching up with us, and we should handle the Broncos much better than we did the Niners today.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle