I would like to hear a few funny short fishing stories! - I will start with a true one.- Back in my fulltime guiding days I would have to occassionlly fish in extreme conditions if fish were biting. One freezing January day I met a pair of new clients by Tillamook's Wilson R. The Steelhead were concentrated in the middle high banked area of the river. There are a couple of very steep long wooden driftboat launches there. The "Siskyville" launch had about a 1/4" buildup of ice on the launch rails. We carefully positioned my driftboat on the upper flat part. I told the client to hold it there while I slacked about 5' to 7' of winch rope. Then I nudged it over the edge (we both thought the other had hold of it). Well that boat did 0 to 60 mph in that few feet of slack, snapped the ropeknot like it was twine, & did 60 to 90? down the ramp with the rail side uprights holding it on the ramp. When that rocket hit the water the splash reminded me of the old loggin' flumes! And it, honest to goodness, did a triple skip across the river like a hard thrown skipper rock!... I just starred, dropmouth stunned, at my boat for a moment. Then I turned to the new clients & said "so, how do you like me so far? WAIT 'TILL YA SEE ME ROW", had to start yelling as they were already running back to their truck (jk). Actually, the boat drifted downriver a few holes. Fortunately, another boater arrived. He declined our offer to help him launch. They found & secured my boat though. We did get into some fish that day, but I got no tip. - Steve Hanson (RT)
[ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: RT unleeshed ]