Originally Posted By: Blu13
Step up, take the time and hold them accountable.

In so many of our management issues the devil is in the details and we simply aren't privy to enough information to be able to determine who specifically has failed. And because of that maybe the answer is to start from the top down.

But there have been a couple of recent specific instances where decisions have been made counter to our best interests or there has been an apparent lack of follow-through that has been catastrophic, as follows:

1. Point No Point launch - Who made the decision (subsequently reversed when it became known) to give up on the trailer boat launch and turn that property into a park and cartopper/kayak launch? Keeping in mind that the property was purchased using boater funds (not from rowboats/kayaks/canoes/paddleboards).

2. Steelhead - Who failed and left WDFW open to suit? Who made the decision to settle with the loss of steelhead plants and why? Well, maybe we'll find out some more come Tuesday's Senate committee hearing.

Bottom line, you hold WDFW accountable by holding the employees accountable. Failure to do so leads to a lack of confidence by WDFW's largest stakeholder and biggest source of income.
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)