My beloved Huskies win 9 games this season, and that might be stretching it a bit with no real experienced QB to lead the team. I think Miles will be the guy, but it's going to take him a few games to get in the groove again. I won't harsh on anything Petersen does for the next 3 years or so. Once he has a roster of his own recruited talent than the heat will be on him.

I'd be really happy if we just beat the Quacks and the Sun Devils - if nothing more than to shut up Summerrun and any/all Orygun bandwagon followers out there.

I'm not sold on Petersen like DanS is, but am looking forward to seeing what he can do with the team.

All I know is that I have my plane and game tickets to Hawaii for the opener! I also know that I have my UW season tickets and that we have a home game every weekend in September! I might be tailgated to death by the 1st of October!

Sadly, I think the Pac-12 title will come down to Orygun, Standfurd or F-U SC again.

And no, WSU is not winning 10 games, let alone 9 or even 8. That coach is still lucky to have a job after the Epic-Cooging of their last bowl game. Seriously, WSU took "Cooging" to a new level of Cooging that was unheard of before that bowl game. Damn, way to set the high bar, Coogs!


PS. Unless you attended, graduated from, played football for, own season football tickets to, or currently work for, a Pac-12 University, all-y'all are nothing more than riding the bandwagon. Enjoy the ride, Posers.

Tule King Paker