Originally Posted By: Evo
yeah, phototickets, just say you werent driving and if they dont have a pic of your face, walah, ticket dropped, no court, nothing...

stop hiring rat lawyers to get you out of sh!t, for doing stupid sh!t, while baggin on me for sh!t thats of the same caliber...

if you dont do it ever, you can talk sh!t, but if you just hide behind a computer and then it comes out after you belittled and degraded me, then you just look like a moron that hired a rat ass lawyer that makes a living off endangering people by getting others out of tickets for speeding and running lights, which is AGAINST THE LAW remember?

you told me the same sh!t, but you refuse to listen to even what you say, so dont question me about what i hear of what i say... cuz i hear everything, and i forget nothing... i TOLD you that...


Contrary to your own twisted sense of reality, spewing more doesn't make you a winner.

I distinctly recall the seat belt dialogue as being just as constructive. You just keep being you Amigo.

In the legend of King Arthur, the Fisher King was a renowned angler whose errant ways caused him to be struck dumb in the presence of the sacred chalice. I am no great fisherman, and a steelhead is not the covenant of Christ, but with each of these fish I am rendered speechless.