Originally Posted By: Todd
You don't mean to say that Obama didn't grab everyone's guns when he enacted the Gun Amnesty Law of 2015 by Executive Order to distract everyone from Ebolaghazi?

While I still wish there was a better campaign to get the "no" vote better represented in the vote on Initiative 594, I'm not surprised that the sky has yet to fall in, either.

Fish on...


The sky isn't falling but that doesn't mean this is OK. This is a personal liberty issue and another step further into death by administration. Every time we allow these kinds of laws to pass we further restrict our liberties. The fact that it might be illegal to pass my rifle to my hunting partner, or that I might not be able to loan my rifle to a friend is lunacy. The fact that we even have to consider the legality of a common sense act, loaning an inanimate object to a friend, is lunacy.

The only reason this even flies is there are more people who don't handle guns than do, the ones who don't don't care about the inconvenience they are causing others. Image if we had this law for letting a friend drive your car, you know, something that actually kills many more people than guns.

Our government represents us well, they control us because we let them.