My Goodness, I think you guys could use cold shower and a washcloth to clean off your screen. I would think it is hard on the key board too! I have yet to try archery hunting. I have a friend who makes bows and hope he gets mine done soon, or finds one already done that will fit me. I have heard all about the "bumps" that form on a mad bull. So two years ago I bought a cheap bow and now I think I will try hunting with one. But it will be hard to put down my rifle. Opps said a bad word there. Sorry. Good luck all, I hope I can bag one this year. Thinking about using my .44 for the elk. That will be a blast. Will do archery next.

Just because I look big, dumb, and ugly, doesn't mean I am. It means I can stomp you for calling me it!
Just because I look big, dumb, and ugly, doesn't mean I am. It means I can stomp you for calling me it!