Originally Posted By: Salmo g.
There does seem to be an ironic justice - in an entirely negative way - in the sequence of events.

Random black men, either innocent of any crime or maybe guilty of very minor legal infractions, or "driving while black," shot by white police officers.

A few days later, random white police officers, similarly innocent, shot by a pissed off black man.

It's not right, but how much longer can it go on, where apparently innocent blacks get shot before it seems like a logical consequence that random innocent white cops are shot? And don't get me wrong; I think I've established my opinion well that I've no quarrel with perps of any race being shot while committing crimes.

Lol. The POS selling pirated CDs in Louisiana had a lengthy rap sheet and was a convicted pedophile. He was a felon in possession of a firearm and the cops were responding to his brandishing of that firearm. Hardly minor offenses. The assassinations of targeted white officers in Dallas is a racially motivated hate crime. The POS Sterling fancied himself a gangsta and sometimes good things happen to bad people. Live by the sword die by the sword. In any case good riddance!
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If you don't like our prices bring your wife down and we'll dicker.