After working patrol a couple years, it was obvious this whole drug enforcement thing or war on drugs was bull and a scam. It was used as a way for law enforcement to "tax" people, "extort" them with the protection of the law.

it was obvious that people with a desiese\mental illness of addiction were not in control of their actions and were only out commuting crimes because they were in a perpetual situation of being viewed as "subhuman criminals", where they were not accepted as part of society and they lacked the self control and confidence to pull themselves out of despair. If drug addiction had been treated as a desiese instead of a crime, these individuals would have a much easier and quicker path to rehabilitation. Herroin, meth, cocaine, safe pharmaceutical grade should be provided by medical professionals, with optional counseling and optional treatment. If this was the case these people could live normal lives and still be addicts, hold jobs and everything. They would not be treated like criminals and forced to commit crimes.

It would be much cheaper and more humane to just provide them with safe drugs than to have a DEA, and all the other government infrastructure to fight drugs. Also it would be better for families and communities because crime would go way down, drug running from Mexico would stop and drug use would go way down after a short time.

When addicts are not treated differently, co mingle with the rest of society many of them see the error in their ways and decide not to be addicts anymore, this has been proven in some European countries.