If all that holds true, and the elected Governor delegates the enforcement authority to the WDFW, then so be it...otherwise, State Patrol men and women would have primary enforcement authority. They would then be faced with writing citations and making arrests just as the Wardens do now...with the same results. Native Americans are not subject to the same Washington State fish and game rules, regulations and laws intended to promote conservation and wanton waste of our resources. Last Fall's debacle at the Ballard Locks was on federally owned and controlled property, and it would be well-advised if Federal Marshalls be on-site when the Coho return once again. All in all, the comprehensive totality involved in this issue would see a plane load of Legislators, the Commissioners and their Director, WDFW field biologists, Commercial industry reps, CCA and PSA chapter heads and anyone else involved as both stakeholders and leaders to right a wrong, and bring about a sustained yield fisheries resource for us all.