Originally Posted By: stonefish

There definately are a lot of coho around.

I don't own a boat, but I feel for you.
The no fishing from a boat ban is ridiculous. If they are worried about Chinook encounters, how about something like a 3 or 4 oz weight restriction rather then just closing things to all boat angling (including kayaks).

or just close it to chinook like they have in the past, but keep it open to coho.

As we both know the last two seasons were set by WDFW "scientists" that do not fish Puget sound and only read reports on ocean conditions...

Closing puget sound in August for ocean coho is so fucving stupid, the only ocean coho in puget sound are net pen and early returning hatchery fish (Quil/Skok). The closures the last few years are nothing more than a fish grab by the tribes. I doubt, and I hope I'm wrong, we will ever see a full coho season in puget sound again... they know that they can give us a two day season and we will still buy a license to take advantage of the "opportunity"... just like the 4 days of shrimping and the 44 days of crabbing a year that we now have to pay extra for...