Nobody can predict at this point if it will happen. I am optimistic for the first time in a long time that it has potential. Seems like funding might come along with a political will. The public seems to back protecting Orcas over the wild interference argument. When do states rights come play? Treading lightly here...
Salmo, your a dept. and a science guy and know lots. But I know lots through past experience as do lots of old timers here. I know what was, and what still can be as far as fantastic fishing. If the Orca argument can put 20 million MORE Blackmouth in PS and have the backing and the funding of the State Legislature and the Tribes, regardless of ESA, I am all in! The Orcas are, at this point an "OPPORTUNITY" to gain both public, governmental and Tribal support over and above ESA. I have always thought a world class PS Chinook fishery exists. This just might be the time to bring back what was envisioned for PS 40 years ago!
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller.
Don't let the old man in!