During the 2016 election cycle, multi-billionaire business magnate Warren Buffett was one of President Trump’s biggest critics. And he even appeared on stage at a Hillary Clinton rally…

Nearly two years later, however, it appears times have changed BIG-TIME! And Buffett is actually praising the man he helped try to take down during the election…

Seeing high-profile former critics, like Buffett, changing their perspective towards the President is a trend we are seeing more and more of…


Trumponomics gets Warren Buffett's seal of approval: Billionaire says US economy is in 'rare form' and is 'in the sixth inning with the big sluggers still to bat'

In an exclusive interview with CNBC, Buffett and JP Morgan Chase chief executive Jamie Dimon gushed over the prosperous economy.

The world will not be destroyed by those that are evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.- Albert Einstein

No you can’t have my rights---I’m still using them