Funny, the tribe makes it sound that there was nothing illegal about what they did, but then points out that they were severely punished for ???? Perhaps the fact that they were, as the department claims, "observed poaching for some time." But, this one time, they were allowed to do what they did. Really?

Just a quick observation from me, is that there was no prosecution of the buyer. That is likely where the real cover up is. Without this one documented selling, then it appears the buyer walks away with no penalty. My guess is that getting caught was the real problem, not what they did. From my little understanding of Tribal politics, my guess is that the buyer is better connected than the buyer. This is the statement that is key "The documents reveal that Hatch sold the crab to Puget Sound Seafood in Tacoma for $1,222.72 and the buyer, Hai Ly, admitted in an interview with police that he was aware the seafood was illegal. He said he was under pressure by his bosses, Kirby Manzanares and Anthony Paul, who is also a member of the Tulalip Tribes"