The conundrum we have is that the pinnipeds are way above a sustainable level and the SKWs and Chinook aren't. Wonder if the fact that we stopped killing the seals has any impact on their recovery.

They live in the same water, they eat many of the same foods. It's the argument I make that FW can't be all that crappy because searun cutthroat and native char (anadromous) seem to be rebounding. They use the same FW and Chinook and steelhead, they o into the same Sound. I know it's simplistic to say that the only problem;em is killing the fish, but it is the one we won't deal with. That, and killing pinnipeds.

Seems if we can't take the necessary actions to get SRKW fish now (close fisheries, kill pinnipeds) then we just aren't going to get there.