me? no, i dont have any tattoos, dont care to get any, id rather spend my money on fishing gear or guns...
anyways, it was people like this fvckin retard,

and this little bitch, likes to run his mouth to my girlfriend, and damn near got fvckin iced on a warm summer day

then this little faggot, i almost beat his bitch ass 3 times, motherfvcker would mug the sh!t out of me every time i would go outside, lawnwork, bbq, whatever... when i would look at him, he would be like WTF YOU LOOKIN AT... then id clown the fvck out of him in front of his friends and he usually just STFU and went back inside... after the 3rd time he apologized to me and didnt do it anymore... people tend to think twice when the other party you are trying to intimidate cant be intimidated...

then there was this little faggot, he popped off one day, well a year or so ago he got into an accident, and had to get reconstructive surgery, basically i told him if he kept his sh!t up, i was going to rip the rest of his fvckin face off... he left...
then a month or so later, i saw him in the store, and he had the balls to expose the grip of a pistol to me and Katie... bascially i gave him his chance to be an idiot...
he left....

this is the son in the green shirt... ive known him since i moved here... he had his kids taken by CPS 5 times, his ex is a fvckin junkie from hell, he one time pulled a shotgun on my trying to be funny, well he learned how funny i thought it was really quick.. he constantly used to tell me, and other people that he did 287 combat jumps in the US Army, and was sweeping mines a week after 9/11 in Afghanistan... problem with that, we havent done any combat jumps like that since Vietnam, and everyone knew he was lying... he never even passed boot camp, and was kicked out... i always would ask him where is DD-214s where and he would always say he lost them... well anyone that knows anything about the military, knows that those forms are some of the most important pieces of your life after the military...

there was a couple more, like one night Katie saw some car parked in the middle of the road right in front of our house... so i grabbed the night vision and was looking and there was a chick that had her head on the dash of the truck, watched her for about 2 minutes, and thought she was dead... then she lifts her head up, takes the rubber band off, and starts sucking the blood out of her arm... at that point i had had it, so i walked over there, the window was cracked, and i said roll the fuckin window down...
the dumb [Bleeeeep!] opened the door and slammed it into me, to which i kicked the fvckin thing shut and dented the fvck out of it, she rolled down the window and i said get the fvck out from in front of my house with that sh!t...
she spit on me...
it took a lot for me to not knock her fvcking teeth out for that, so i just shined my bright ass light in her face and blinded the fvck out of her, then they realized i had my pistol, and bolted like lightning....
then there was this fvck, parked in the same area, im out there watching, and forgot that the stupid night vision throws off a red glint for the UV needed to see... well he saw it and shined a light at me and immediately saw my pistol and was like "oh sh!t hes got a pistol", to which i said YEP... then he wanted to fight me, told me to put the gun away and come over there...
no problemo...
then my neighbor came out with his .45, and hes like "you called for backup", actually dumbfvck, i didnt call anyone... he kept barking, wouldnt do sh!t, i kept calling him a pussy ass slob and he wouldnt do anything...
then he gets in the car and is like "where gonna have some fun tonight", to which i responded, "if you make me come out of my house again, im coming out with a fvcking 12 gauge, well see whats up then"...
he left and never came back...

ive got more photos of other people, but thats enough for now...
fvck all of them, you wanna bring that sh!t around my family, and put them in danger, and talk sh!t to my girlfriend, well surprise motherfvcker, IM here now....