I haven't ran the cell cams, most spots I hunt are off grid and don't have the cell service. Wish I could though, would save some travel time checking cards.
They aren't worth the money. Most game cams aren't worth the money. They're designed to fail after about 2-3 years in the woods. It's a bonus if you can get one to last longer than that.
They fail from weather; trees & limbs, bears, hunters, trespassers & criminals. They're stolen even on private land, let alone the public woods. All things considered....yeah...about 2 years of use and then something bad is going to happen.
Most hunters don't need all those fancy and ever increasingly complex features. You only need a 8 - 10 mp camera, some no-glow IR's with a 60 - 80' trigger distance. $30 - 50 bucks tops. You can buy an 8 pack on Amazon for a little over $300. That's like a 12:1 ratio of cheap cams to a single high end cell cam.
I'll carpet bomb some of my elk spots with cheap cams. First, to pattern the elk and second, because I know half are going to either fail, be stolen or crunched on by a bear. I have cams out there I haven't checked in 2 years and I highly doubt they'll be there when I return.
Cheap is the way to go...at least for me...