It's all good...QAnon told me that an armed mob of patriots will be descending on your office, Paker, in an effort to overturn your decision to ban so many people.
This will happen on...
Next Tuesday!
I haven't banned anyone in a super long time. The Q Patriots needs to get their facts straight.
I've been mostly working from home since March of 2020, but as a critical staff person, I'm generally in my office on Tuesday's, Thursday's, and every other Friday from about 9-11, or as time is needed.
The building has been locked since March, so please have the Q Patriots assemble in the provided front lawn area. Masks are required on this campus at all times and proper social distancing must be adhered too.
Currently, a Tent City homeless camp is under operations in our parking lot, so please advise the Q Patriots to be quiet and curteous to our neighbors.
Aside from the police on campus, we have at least 4 inventoried shotguns and ammo. Not too sure how many other buildings on campus are armed for bears for their field campus up in Alaska. Literally armed for bears.
The Q Patriots should probably pick on a different building. Just saying.
I interviewed for a shift engineering job at that potato plant outside Othello after graduating from WSU.
Translated as: "Hi. My name is Steelheadman and welcome to McDonalds. Would you like fries with your BigMac?"
Jokes, my friend, Jokes. Didn't get enough Coog joshing' in due to no Crapple Cup. Just had to get that out of my system.