I was told by a guy who checks the fishers as they come in.. He said the fish cops were out and about and there was alot of bait being used and cent plus barbed hook.. He said that wdfw was going to talk about it and see if they r going to keep it open..
This posting is only about the Wynoochee River........
It's crazy to me to take a river that gets a steelhead winter run plant of 170,000 plus 2 years of any returning fish that weren't removed from the "trap" and trucked above the Dam, that should be returning this year.
QIN net fishers are doing good in their net fishing BUT OUR WDFW personnel decide to "tie the hands tie sports fishers", with a bait, no scent, ban!!!!!!
Duh, why????? Any fish that gets by the QIN nets and the few that are getting caught by restricted gear, are just going to be trucked about the dam.......to die!!!! There is no way for any adult steelhead and probably no smolt to get pass the dam. Duh, waste of money.......
Reduce the winter run plants, and put more $$$$$$ into summer run steelhead plants......better eating fish anyway!!!!!!
New novel idea......Every time there is a "hand tie restriction" on the sports side...do the same on the Gill/set net side, make them give up 1. cork line or 2. lead line or 3. net......see how they like it......lol