After hearing public testimony in December on a package of sport fishing regulation changes, the commission also set specific fishing seasons on a variety of fisheries around the state and adopted new regulations that:
Allow boat anglers in areas where a saltwater license is valid to continue using fishing or shellfishing gear until every legal fisher on board has a daily limit.
These rules were posted on the WDFW web site and seem to be rules that went into effect as soon as they "adopted" them, but if they are not yet law.....they should post that also.
On Saturday we were all checked at Port Townsend (on the water) and all of us with a salmon on board were told that the person who bagged the fish had to take his gear out of the water. When the fisheries officer was told about the new regulation, all he would say was, I haven't seen a note about it yet, so the old rule stands. At least he did not give any of us a ticket. I must add that the gentleman and lady officer were very cordial with my boat and just asked us to pull one rig as we were trolling and I just swung my barbless gear to him, while still trolling the rest of the gear.
If there are any officers out there please give us a clear picture about how to read these changes as current law or not.
Steve Ng....The FishNg1
99 F-350 Powerstroke 4x4 , 18ft Alumaweld Formula Vee Sled, 115 Yamaha, and now also Campion 215 walkaround, 135 Merc.
C/R > A good thing > fish all day,into the night! Steve Ng

Dad, think that if I practice hard, they'll let me participate in the SRC ?
[Gig Harbor Puget Sound Anglers....Join your local chapter. CCA member