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#109925 - 03/20/01 07:13 PM NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
steelie dave Offline

Registered: 12/25/00
Posts: 34
Loc: maple valley wa. king
Why are they netting the Chehalis two days a week when the sportmen can't keep wild fish? It's not that i want to keep a native fish, but isn't the point that the returns are low that's why we are to release all natives. Oh I forgot the indians nets only catch hatchery fish.THE FISH WILL FALL TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! FISH ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#109926 - 03/20/01 07:45 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
Dom Offline

Registered: 11/09/00
Posts: 39
Loc: Tacoma, WA
What ever happened to the fun days of rolling bails of hay into Indian nets? They make millions off casinos, the government still subsidizes their income and they still get to net fish. I bet the don't even eat the fish they net, or at least they eat a small percentage of them. I thought they were the ones that were conscious of 'mother earth.'
When your dink goes down give it a pull...Clean-up your trash you

#109927 - 03/20/01 07:51 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
potter Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 11/08/99
Posts: 204
Loc: Pacific Beach, WA, USA
I know I wouldn't eat any fish from the Chehalis, it's one of the top 10 polluted bodies of water in the Nation. Wonder how it got that way?

#109928 - 03/20/01 07:53 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
silverspoon-bathtub bob Offline

Registered: 07/01/00
Posts: 42
Loc: rochester, wa thurston
Nets! I have wrote to our director and regional hq about escapement of wild steelhead in the Chehalis. The only!!!! reason this river and the Satsop have a healthy run of natives is this system usually gets a high water every week or two. With no water this year escapment has been hurt!!!!! I know i fish this system over a 100 trips a year. By the way i havent heared nothing from WDFW.
robert young

#109929 - 03/20/01 09:48 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
Dan S. Offline
It all boils down to this - I'm right, everyone else is wrong, and anyone who disputes this is clearly a dumbfuck.

Registered: 03/07/99
Posts: 16958
Loc: SE Olympia, WA
It's been polluted like that for decades, potter. You're just hearing about it now.

I respect your treaty rights to fish, but don't even try to assert that the nets aren't one of the biggest obstacles these fish are facing currently.

Fish on...........
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell.
I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.

Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames

#109930 - 03/20/01 10:53 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
Eyed Egg

Registered: 01/04/01
Posts: 8
Loc: greys harbor
Potter your logic amuses me. If it is so polluted why are the indians netting it? Enlighten me I'm conciously incompetent.

#109931 - 03/20/01 11:09 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
wish4fish Offline

Registered: 02/17/01
Posts: 35
Loc: bellingham, wa, whatcom


#109932 - 03/20/01 11:16 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
scottguides Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 09/19/00
Posts: 215
Loc: elma
really potter,your tribes don't seem to have a problem selling these tainted fish do they.

#109933 - 03/21/01 12:33 AM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
Steelie Tamer Offline

Registered: 02/16/01
Posts: 69
Loc: SW Washington
Fished here on Sun. we saw A net being pulled out ,had about 20 fish in it ,also watched throw A little bit darker buck too the bank to go to waste . We motor over after he had left,this fish was definitly edible & was not spawned out ,so why would he do this? In case your all wondering it was A hatchery Steelhead.
Fishing is much more than fish…. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers.

#109934 - 03/21/01 01:01 AM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
Raptorwill Offline

Registered: 03/09/00
Posts: 24
Loc: poulsbo, wash ...
Yep funny thing is that the slang changed subsitance to comercial---------now i'd like to know how a family can eat 4 elk ----8 deer ---600 #s of manilla and little neck clams----100 bushell of oysters---400 #s of steelhead---2000#s of salmon-----600#s of dungeness crab----800#s of goeyduck---
all in a day-----------or a week or hell times that by 6 to 10 and i bet the whole damn tribe cant eat that much

if you want to be seperate from the usa---then fine ---pay a toll to use the highways get off of welfare ----other wise pay the impact fees and the licensing that all the rest have to, to use the resourse in a comercial manner

its all bull**** the way things are just put aside and our friggen congressmen and congresswomen wont stand up to this crap cause it might impact there flight to the top crap crap-------------where the hell are the leaders

its time for everyone to stand up-----------there is no such thing as a minority ----there is edgucation out there and moneys available and has been for a long time----------im tired of payen for the decline of my rights--

ventin is not helpin much any more ---wish i knew how to file the paper work

Lifes to short --- Fish all you can smile

#109935 - 03/21/01 11:34 AM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
Ihookum Offline
Juvenile at Sea

Registered: 03/19/01
Posts: 106
Loc: Rochester WA
Sorry Potter, I can agree that Quinalts probley don't eat fish from the Chehalis but the sure make alot of money from the huge amount of fish they net out of this system. The sight of driving over the bridge to Cozy in the fall with nets coming of each side of the bank as far as the eye can see is pathetic. I agree that tribes should have the right to a harvest of natural recsourses, but it should be in a amount that will feed there own family. No more than that.
your actions speak so loudly I don't have to hear a word you say.

#109936 - 03/21/01 03:10 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
silverspoon-bathtub bob Offline

Registered: 07/01/00
Posts: 42
Loc: rochester, wa thurston
Potter Does the Quinalts put any thing into the Chehalis system, no they only take!
robert young

#109937 - 03/21/01 08:09 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
potter Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 11/08/99
Posts: 204
Loc: Pacific Beach, WA, USA
Well, did I step on some toes or what? I'll try to answer the questions as best I can. Please understand my intentions are not to play the blame game. The pollution remark was made because it seems so many on this board can only see the corks in the river.While it's true wild steelhead are being killed by the nets it's also true, that at the same time, wild salmon and steelhead smolts are dying from the pollution.

Dan S-I think everyone who reads the Daily World knows about the pollution problem Grays Harbor has. The biggest factor has to be the high mortality rate on the smolts.

Humptime- The tribes fish because they have a legal right to.

Scotty98541- The fish sell the same as any other, they taste different to me however.

Rich G-I'm not the tribal spokesperson so I can't answer your question(s). My opinion is that the tribes will continue to fish as long as the co-managers tell them that there are harvestable fish.

Ihookum-By law, tribes and non-tribal split the harvestable fish.

Silverspoon-bathtub Bob- The Quinaults raise coho in the Ocean Shores Marina. They have been involved in raising steelhead at the Humptulips hatchery and were helping with the "Long Live the Kings" project. They spend a lot of money each year conducting spawner surveys on the Chehalis and it's tributaries for steelhead and salmon escapement estimates.

I believe that a lot of members of this board are directing their frustrations at the tribes. The tribal fishermen are only doing what they have a legal right to do. The co-managers decide if they fish or not. I'm not suggesting slamming the co-managers either. If you have a problem with the current method (science) direct your resources at developing and proving a better one.

[This message has been edited by potter (edited 03-21-2001).]

#109938 - 03/22/01 01:37 AM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
Iron Head Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 12/12/00
Posts: 447
Loc: tacoma, Washington, US
I ain't on nobody's side. Just telling it like it is. Hell yes, if the law gives you something, you're going to take it. When this increased your speed limit from 55mph to 60mph, don't tell me you don't step it up. When they increased the coho limits of 6 adults/day last summer, I saw a [Bleeeeep!] load of people pulling out 6 fish (including the guides). Being a conservationist is great, but you people just keep it to yourself. Breaking the law is wrong but working within the law is fine in my book. And that includes the tribes too. Stop the the crying and blaming OK.
Know fish or no fish.

#109940 - 03/22/01 02:29 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
WA fisher Offline

Registered: 02/25/01
Posts: 31
Originally posted by femfisher:
I have been lurking here for a while now and usually keep my opinions to myself....But this is just so ridiculous...

Why will sportsmen (and women) spend thousands on gear and boats, and next to nothing on politics.

It is past time for us on all of the Northwest BB's to let bygones be bygones. Band together. Let's create a Political Action Commitee, organize, and pay some dues. Do the math folks. (just 1000 members x $25.00 month = $25,000 per month!) If each and every one of us were to pay a small monthly fee.....elected a governing board, and hired a professional Lobbyist.....we could get some serious changes enacted. Money talks.

I will continue to lurk here... waiting for you all to come to your senses.

I totally agree with you. It just seems that sportsmen are cheapskates (no offence intended). I worked hard collecting signitures for the Ban All Nets innititive and I believe that it failed because of lack of funding. It was decided that if we could raise $1 million, it would pass because we could afford to get it into the media, TV advertisements, radio advertisements, etc. Instead, we couldn't get enough money, and all uninformed voters saw was adds saying it will cost people jobs. If everyone who bought a fishing liscense chipped in $10 - $20, we could have easily raised the money.

#109941 - 03/22/01 07:23 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
Todd Offline
Dick Nipples

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA

Check out the Wild Steelhead Coalition BB on this website. The WSC is trying to do exactly what you proposed in your post, and it's already starting to pay off for sportfishers in Washington.


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle

#109943 - 03/23/01 11:24 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
Salmo g. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 13589

I agree with your premise about PNW wide and multi-species agendas, but that has been tried several times and not achieved the desired outcome. Of course, desired outcome by who is a salient comeback.

That is why, in large part, the WSC choosing to take a specific bite (one issue, one species, for now) at the host of problems that affect recreational angling interests. The more that organizations have tried to do, the more diluted their efforts have generally become. The key for WSC is to concentrate interest and effort on one issue at a time, utilizing every advantage of surges in general public interest and awareness. Focusing intense effort on obtainable goals, one at a time, will allow the WSC to make conservation inroads that have previously been elusive.

Having said that, I should follow with the disclaimer that my opinion and $2.35 will get you a latte'at Starbucks.


Salmo g.

#109945 - 03/25/01 02:48 AM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
wish4fish Offline

Registered: 02/17/01
Posts: 35
Loc: bellingham, wa, whatcom
Femfisher, I will be the first in line to fork over $25.00 bucks or more if you are willing to lead the charge. Just let me know when you want the money, and I will be backing you 150%. BAN ALL NETS!!!


#109946 - 03/26/01 10:52 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
LittleZoZo Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/11/01
Posts: 419
Loc: Rochester, WA USA
Sorry, But I don't buy into any of this "It's part of our heritage" crap that the tribes are always spewing. Bottom line, the tribes are netting the hell out of every river that they can, and our fish runs are becoming extinct as a result. So don't sit back and tell me about all the good things the tribes are doing for our fish runs,because I see it differently. The tribes are some of the guiltiest parties when it comes to overharvesting and then wasting fish. I saw this at Hoodsport and on the Skokomish last fall, and I'm seeing it on the Chehalis system this winter. To the Tribes: Your unabashed slaughter of our native runs is going to hurt everybody. Please practice some of the dogma that you preach and take your nets out of the rivers so that some fish can get through to spawn. To everyone else: Don't be foolish enough to buy into what the tribes are saying. They know what they're doing is hurting the runs, and they don't care. They do it just because they can.


[This message has been edited by LittleZoZo (edited 03-26-2001).]
If you get home and I'm not there, don't eat it.

#109947 - 03/27/01 02:41 PM Re: NETS ON THE CHEHALIS?
Three Man Offline

Registered: 08/11/00
Posts: 3
Loc: Lake stevens
hot straight off the printing presses 50 cal. minimum, three native american limit this comes straight from the new fish regs. extra points if they have a net in hand.Its a bunch of crap that we have to pay for something our ancestors did more than a hundred years ago its not like anyone is around from back then anymore. I mean did they really expect to keep all of this land to themselves for so long with there oh so primitive ways.

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