Lots of good ones used up already
. Hmmm. ...
~ ~ "Class 5 rapids" - the first time a novice rows thru some mild riffles.
~ "Boot Wars" - When SAUKit & Parker post pics of each other holding up boots they kept. (true story
stay tuned )
~ "Ring o' fire" - ask SAUK for the definition
~ "Watch this" - what Hey_'Yall and other guys from 'Bama say just before they are killed.
~ "OH SHEEYAT - THAT WAS A FISH!!!" - What Superfly says everytime a rock takes his float under. ... jk = just kidding
~ "Bar closin' horny" - when some guys haven't scored a fish all day and then hook and keep a boot just before the boat ramp take out.
~ "Cracker box" - group of rude fishers in a boat together.
~ "Paintin 'em" - when you pour a gallon of bright red oil-based paint onto the water behind your boat after some cracker pulls up on your backtrolling lines and starts fishing despite a warning not to.
~ "Boat talk" - the things guys usually talk most about while out fishing together w/o the ladies around; you know, like the stock market
~ "Milestone" - a real long stretch of annoying light colored basalt rock shelves; like you'd find on the upper 'Nooch or Naselle.
~ "T-Bomb Eggs" - when your buddy puts your freshly rigged egg cluster into a cup of Long Island Tea and you hook a moody King on the first cast with them (try it!).